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APRIL 2023

For the month of April 2023, Campione will be hosting special guest chefs from across the country as well as providing a platform for rising local talent. This Pop-Up Series is an opportunity for people from many walks of life to meet at the same table.


Join us for a steaming bowl of rich, umami laden Pho, or a tower of bright, gleaming pierogi oozing farmer's cheese and onions. Experience the heroic creativity that takes place when a passionate zero-food-waste philosophy transforms a humble carrot into a dazzling collage of textures and flavors, or, playfully invents something completely new

like the Pw-effle (a pretzel-waffle); somehow managing to do so with grace and ease instead of with tweezers and a furrowed brow.


This is a festival for food lovers. For those who always go back for seconds and insist on dessert. This is for our friends, new and old. When the table is set, everyone is a local.


For reservations, give us a call at (406)333.2427

or shoot us an email at


To book for the Slow Burn series, visit their Linktree site.

aPRIL 1st - 8th

Taipei 88
Sat & Sun (4/1-4/2)

with Josh Adams

Campione Executive Chef, Josh Adams, is going back to his roots. Adams was raised in Hengchun Township at the southern most tip of Taiwan, where the night markets burst with colors and flavors, and the air is forever scented with sweet basil and the  tang of scalded mirin.


For the past three years he has been finding ways to sneak elements of South Asia into Campione's Roman inspired cuisine. Well, now he doesn't have to.


Welcome to Taipei 88.


A la Carte Menu  


Once Upon a Time in Byzantium
Wed & Thurs (4/5-4/6)

with Daylan Olwell

Daylon was born and raised right here in Livingston, MT. He has been a valuable member of the Campione team for over two years now. As one of our lead prep cooks, he has been responsible for maintaining or "made from scratch" ethos. If you have eaten a meatball at Campione, you have this kid to thank.


For his debut performance on the business end of service, Daylon is drawing from his passion for ancient history. Working with an ingredient list the common citizen of the late 4th Century CE would have had access to, he aims to explore the fusion of eastern and western mediterranean culture that was the Byzantine Empire. We hope you join us for a taste of life from back when Istanbul was still Constantinople.


A la Carte Menu 


The Kid Returns
Fri & Sat (4/7-4/8)

with Wyatt Rooney

Wyatt Rooney is a Shields Valley native and has been on the team at Campione since 2021. The son of a chef, Wyatt’s interest in cooking began at an early age and his experience at Campione has helped him grow his skills and passions in the kitchen. His menu utilizes a blend of premium and local ingredients, attempts to use them fully, limiting waste, and enhancing creativity.


This is Wyatt's sophomore performance leading the kitchen. Last April he hosted a Japanese inspired breakfast with fellow young gun chef, Max Stern. He has grown considerably in that time and this menu speaks to his maturity as a cook. He believes that his passion for food is meant to be shared and hopes you will join him for this exciting dinner.


Prix-fixe Menu

APRIL 12 -16th

House of Noods
Wed & Thurs (4/12-4/13)

a Campione B-Sides Production

Since its inception, Campione has strived to honor certain traditions of authentic Italian cooking; creating simple, thoughtfully composed, ingredient forward food that feel timeless and elegant. We have also made a concerted effort to steer clear of the tropes often associated with Italian cuisine as it has come to be known in American pop-culture; the checkered table cloths, the cheap chianti, the over reliance on red sauce and industrial strength parm. But, in fairness, those tropes speak to a reality that is beautiful in its own right. A reality that, when we are honest with ourselves, sparks a bright nostalgic joy in our hearts. So, we have decided to lean into it - for a few days at least.


You are invited to join us at Camponelli's House of Noods! Where all our collective guilty food pleasures shall be satisfied. So "leave the gun, take the cannoli", and bring your mom - she's gonna love it.


You're Welcome!


A la Carte Menu

Good Pierogi

& Sunday(4/14-4/16)

with Krem Miskevich

Good Pierogi is a small dumpling production and traveling Eastern European pop up, created to indulge and satisfy the nostalgia of Chef Krem Miskevich. A Warsaw native, Miskevitch studied at Le Cordon Bleu in Los Angeles before spending 5 years with Sara Kramer and Sarah Hymanson at their celebrated LA restaurant, Kismet.


Krem is not making their grandma’s pierogi recipe, but they are pretty confident that this will be their grandchildren’s pierogi recipe. They’re also convinced that Polish food is the best drinking food, and not just for shots of vodka straight from the freezer — living, natural wines are perfect companions too!

Na Zdrowie!


A la Carte Menu


april 19-29

Heavy Metal
Hot Dog!!!

Wed & Thursday
Lunch Service 
(4/19-4/20) 11am-3pm

with Chef X 

CHEF X, affectionately known as Pat Hellwick, is a local legend and the Campione kitchen's unofficial second-in-command.


X has a talent for identifying the thin, archaic line which separates "High-brow" and "Low-brow" cuisine and blurring it all to hell. Expect the unexpected from these dogs,  and wear your leathers - it might get loud! 



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Slow Burn

with Tiffani Ortiz & Andy Doubrava

Tiffani Ortiz is coming back to Livingston! Now working together with her partner, Andy Doubrava, the two have been on the road since September ’22 as Slow Burn: a roaming restaurant practiced as an experiment in closed-loop cooking. Slow Burn exists in the tension of their ideas and talents ranging from biodynamic farming, food preservation and fine dining.


Offering broad experiences from casual concepts to 18-course tasting menus, these nomadic restaurateurs can be found making use of their long term misos, vinegars, charcuterie and much more from California to Canada in various venues in the name of lessening food waste in delicious and exciting ways.


Slow Burn will be taking over Campione for five days in April, offering both a la carte service at the bar for walk-ins and a daily chef's tasting menu to experience.




RESERVATIONS: Tasting Menu or a la Carte


Down Home
Dirty Brunch

Saturday (4/29) 11am-3pm

with Chef X 

CHEF X returns for a final show. What better way to round off a month of culinary extravagance than with a Down Home and Dirty Brunch service!


Like all the best Xs, ours lived in Texas. As a chef and musician he has spent many a predawn hour in those near-mythic all night southern diners, finding solace in a bowl of hot grits or searching the grill marks a piece of white toast for a sign from above. We want to celebrate those murky places that time abandoned, where all the biscuits are drowned in gravy, the steaks come chicken-fried, and redemption is always just another cup of coffee away. 


Bring your stretchy pants, pencil in a nap, and be warned, there will be grease.



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